Maruti Suzuki India Limited

2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017
Profit and Loss Account (₹ in Million)

Revenue from Operation 883298 703720 756600 860685 820411 773164
Other Income 17447 29363 33344 25616 20458 22896
Total Income 900745 733083 789944 886301 840869 796060
Operating Expenses 826236 650204 683474 750653 699777 669583
EBITDA 74509 82879 106470 135648 141092 126477
Depreciation and Amortisation 27890 30341 35284 30208 27598 26039
EBIT 46619 52538 71186 105440 113494 100438
Finance Cost 1266 1018 1342 759 3458 894
Share of Profit of Associates/JV 1619 1690 1184 1557 1633 1728
PBT 46972 53210 71028 106238 111669 101272
Tax 8177 9319 14252 29732 32862 26162
Net Profit 38795 43891 56776 76506 78807 75110

Balance Sheet (₹ in Million)

Equities and Liabilities

Share Capital 1510 1510 1510 1510 1510 1510
Reserves and Surplus 551825 523496 492812 469587 424245 369395
Non Current Liabilities 22985 26616 28901 26985 22244 16332
Current Liabilities 170235 162139 113054 141605 154485 132368
Total Liabilities 746555 713761 636277 639687 602484 519605

Gross Non Current Assets 606511 563132 587155 546168 550782 457664
Depreciation 27890 30341 35284 30208 27598 26039
Net Non Current Assets 578621 532791 551871 515960 523184 431625
Current Assets other than Cash 137512 150499 84116 121849 78560 87745
Cash and Cash Equivalents 30422 30471 290 1878 740 235
Total Assets 746555 713761 636277 639687 602484 519605
Contingent Liabilities 22259 21417 104589 85180 71424 73456

Cash Flow Statement (₹ in Million)

Operating Profit before WCC 58319 55310 75034 110595 120361 104131
Working Capital Changes -28131 43365 -25701 -13148 28078 21918
Income Tax -11783 -10113 -14375 -31438 -30560 -23229
Cash Flow from Operating Activities 18405 88562 34958 66009 117879 102820
Purchase of Assets -34593 -23703 -32189 -48724 -39116 -33912
Sale of Assets 1360 420 370 1702 264 164
Investment 30841 -49630 26253 11623 -44165 -57984
Cash Flow from Investing Activities -2392 -72913 -5566 -35399 -83017 -91732
Issue of Equity 0 0 0 0 0 0
Issue of Debt -1097 3803 -456 388 1208 4836
Repayment of Debt -81 -111 -98 0 -4836 -2309
Finance Cost Paid -1298 -1016 -1355 -733 -3465 -1095
Dividend Paid -13594 -18125 -29134 -29134 -27268 -12725
Cash Flow from Financing Activities -16070 -15449 -31043 -29479 -34361 -11293
Net Cash Flow / Used -57 200 -1651 1131 501 -205

Financial indicators and Ratios

FV ₹ 5 ₹ 5 ₹ 5 ₹ 5 ₹ 5 ₹ 5
EPS 128.43 145.3 187 248 256 243
Capital Employed 540860 513668 484370 461415 417573 364311
BV per Share 1790 1700 1603 1527 1382 1206
Dividend per Share 60 45 60 80 80 80
EBITDA Margin 8.3% 11.3% 13.5% 15.3% 16.8% 15.9%
Return on Equity 7.1 8.5 11.9 17.1 19.8 22.2
ROCE (EBIT/CE) 8.6% 10.2% 14.7% 22.9% 27.2% 27.6%
Current Ratio 1 1.1 0.7 0.9 0.51 0.66
Debt to Equity 0.006 0.009 0.002 0.00 0.005 0.004
Interest Coverage Ratio 389 209 214 430 380 410
Trade Receivables Turnover Ratio 50.7 42.3 39 52 49 42
Trade Payables Turnover Ratio 6.7 5.7 5.4 6.2 6.5 6.3
Inventory Turnover Ratio 26 21 16 18 22 17

Outstanding Shares 302,080,060 302,080,060 302,080,060 302,080,060 302,080,060 302,080,060
Promotor Holding % 56.37 56.37 56.28 56.21 56.21 56.21


Public 43.63 43.63 43.72 43.79 43.79 43.79